CSotD: Dr. Johnson’s Defence

A lady once asked him how he came to define ‘pastern’, the knee of a horse: instead of making an elaborate defence, as might be expected, he at once answered, “Ignorance, Madam, pure ignorance.” — Boswell’s “Life of Samuel Johnson” Sometimes the best defense is no defense at all, but for an arrogant egotist like Johnson…

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CSotD: Believe you me

I tend to avoid cartoons that simply mock someone without making a salient point, but Clay Bennett is spot-on in noting that Trump has begun to step over the line from deeply prejudiced to deeply disturbing. The cartoon is insulting, but meaningful. Best tradition of the format. As noted often, most presidents have put experts…

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Newspaper Eliminates Editorial Cartoons After Readers Object to Mike Luckovich Commentary

From an upset newspaper reader: To The Daily Sun, I am appalled at the cartoon depicting an active shooter drill, and cannot believe your publication would publish it. This type of message is stereotyping our black youth, and most definitely is NOT furthering the cause of any organization or entity working against racism. Further, the…

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