The Sunday Funnies Revisit “A Visit…”

Yesterday was the 200th anniversary of “A Visit from St. Nicholas” and today, the day before Christmas 2023, a number of cartoonists used the “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas” poem, one way or another, in their Sunday pages.

(Which is common on Christmas Eve but this year it landed on a Sunday and could be expanded more than usual.)

Nancy Beiman went all out with her FurBabies leaving the first few lines untouched.

Susan Camilleri Konar also went all out, though after the opener her Six Chix messes with the words and rhythm.

Rob Harrell not only has Katy repeating the poem in Adam @ Home, but has Clayton giving his reprise version.

Elsewhere the opening was a gateway to other things.

Take Andy Marlette‘s Shrimp & Grits f’instance:

Scott Nickel’s Eek!, Mike Thompson’s Grand Avenue, and Scott Stantis’s Prickly City all strayed after the opening.

Rick McKee chimed in a few stanzas into the classic with his Pluggers page today.

As did Rick Kirkman & Jerry Scott with Baby Blues and the John Hart Studio with their Wizard of Id.

Peter Gallagher ends his Sunday Heathcliff with the last line of “A Visit From St. Nicholas.”

John Deering and John Newcombe end Zack Hill the same way, and we’ll end this post with that sentiment.
