Breaking Cat News/How Comics Were Made: the Comic Strip, the Book, the Interview

As the Breaking Cat News comic strip approaches its 10th anniversary the comic’s creator Georgia Dunn sits down on March 5, 2024 (1pm eastern/10am pacific) for a live interview with Glenn Fleishman to discuss How Comics Are Made and Watercolors in the Age of Digital Reproduction. Glenn’s interviews with current cartoonists are part of his research for his book How Comics Were Made which is nearing the half way mark of his Kickstarter goal.

Join Georgia Dunn, cartoonist behind Breaking Cat News, and comics historian Glenn Fleishman, to talk about Georgia’s career, becoming syndicate, the influence of her real cats, and being a watercolor artist in a digital era—and where handmade and digital work intersects. Audience questions welcome!

I’m sure the struggles women cartoonists have finding space on comic pages will be discussed too.

If possible please contribute to Glenn’s Kickstarter – I really want to hold that book in my hands.

2 thoughts on “Breaking Cat News/How Comics Were Made: the Comic Strip, the Book, the Interview

  1. Thanks for the heads-up about the interview. It was really informative and interesting. BCN is one of the best comic strips!

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