Comic history Comic strips

King Features to celebrate 100 years with 16 full-color broadsheet supplement to papers

King Features is celebrating its 100th year this November by printing and distributing a full-color collectable supplement to newspapers. The supplement will be 16 broadsheet pages with comics through its long history along with articles about the strips.

I’ll let you know more details when they become available.

Comments 4

  1. Jim Borgman

    Man, this looks so cool. An awesome gift to newspapers and their readers. I anticipate full-on national nostalgia and hope it reignites a love affair with comics.

  2. Tom Falco

    So great. Looking forward to this.

  3. Mark Brodersen

    I love it !

    Honestly, I’ll be buying the paper for this.

    Funny how the pendulum swings back and forth. 100 years ago the funnies helped sell papers. Who’s to say it couldn’t, or shouldn’t, happen again ?

    I’d fully support it if they continued this. Comic strips used to be awesome.

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