Comic strips

Search through 10,788 Garfield comics by keyword

I’m not sure who’s behind this Garfield search engine, but it claims to allow you to search through 31 years (1978-2007) of Garfield comic strips by keyword or browse by date. Search returns strip date, character dialog, as well as an image of strip.

The screenshot below is me searching on the keyword “bored” and finding 68 results.

Garfield search engine

Not sure of the legalities of this search, but I wish it existed for all comics.

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Comments 9

  1. Awesome!
    I’ve been looking for a Peanuts strip for several years now. This feature would end that search.

  2. Searched for ‘Mondays’ and ‘Lasagna’, got 10,788 results. 😉

  3. Searched for ‘blowjob’ and got nothing.

  4. It’s two words, Stephan. Use quotations and a space in between.

  5. Stephan was just describing his typical Wednesday night.

  6. I always inserted a hyphen, no wonder nothing came up

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