Amazon posts quarterfinalists in Comic Strip Superstar contest
Skip to commentsAmazon has posted the results of the first round of judging in their Comic Strip Superstar contest with Andrews McMeel Publishing. Those making it past this first round will now go on to be winnowed down by John Glynn and Lee Salem of Universal Uclick. Those that advance will then be judged by Garry Trudeau, Lynn Johnston, Scott Hilburn, and Mark Tatulli. The last 10 will then be judged by the public.
Here is the list of the finalists from a PDF on Amazon. I don’t have time to Google-search them to see how many are already online in some form or another. It would also be nice to have the creator’s names, but that wasn’t provided. If anyone recognizes the titles below, please put the URL in the comments.
- 2Cupsâ?©
- Aâ?©Glassâ?©ofâ?©Merlo
- Aboveâ?©theâ?©Fold (Mike Cope)
- Adultâ?©Children (Stephen Beals)
- Ajaxâ?©andâ?©Bip
- Alwaysâ?©Pokeâ?©Airâ?©Holes
- Amaz’nâ?©Events
- Americanâ?©Widget
- Andy
- anotherâ?©perfectâ?©day
- AWAâ?©(Aliensâ?©Withâ?©Attitude)
- Bandit’sâ?©Hideoutâ?©
- BarnRats
- Bearâ?©Minimum,â?©The
- Beaverâ?©inâ?©theâ?©Man,â?©The
- Beebleville
- Beingâ?©Dad
- Belleâ?©Plaine
- Bennyâ?©andâ?©Floyd
- Berd
- Biffâ?©Theâ?©Cyberpunk
- Bigâ?©Daddy
- Billyâ?©Blackâ?©+â?©Troubleâ?©Show,â?©The
- Blankâ?©Stairs
- Bookâ?©ofâ?©Lists
- Boomerâ?©Bust
- Boughtâ?©theâ?©Farm
- Boundâ?©forâ?©Greatness
- Brothersâ?©Hannsen,â?©The
- Buddies,â?©The
- Buff
- Bumpâ?©Onâ?©Aâ?©Log
- Büni
- Cabbage & Waffles
- Cactusâ?©Cow
- Cagneyâ?©
- Carson
- Castâ?©ofâ?©Characters
- Casualâ?©Friday
- Chloe & Max
- Chuckleâ?©Pics
- Clinton’sâ?©Ditch
- Comfyâ?©Kozy
- Conkers
- Cookingâ?©Mayhem
- CounterCulture
- Cowlyâ?©Bros
- Cowsâ?©andâ?©Stuff
- Crashâ?©Testâ?©Dummies,â?©The
- Crayonâ?©Box
- Crazyâ?©Belzo
- Creek (by Brian Martin)
- CYâ?FY
- Deadboy
- Degreesâ?©ofâ?©Freedom
- Distract
- Doubtingâ?©Thomas (by Jim Thomas)
- DragonQuest
- Easyâ?©Asâ?©Cake
- Eat,â?©Drink,â?©Consume
- Ellaâ?©andâ?©Greta (by Susan Camilleri Konar)
- Ellen,â?©Inc. (by Mark Magee)
- Emptyâ?©Vessels
- Entitiesâ?Râ?Us,â?©Ghostâ?©Hunterâ?©Comic
- Evenâ?©Odder
- Everythingâ?©Show,â?©The
- Evilâ?©Twin
- Failure
- Faust
- Fecklessness
- Figuringâ?©itâ?©Allâ?©Out
- Finn
- Fishâ?©Outâ?©ofâ?©Water
- Fishâ?©Tales
- Fleasâ?©onâ?©Flickâ?©
- Forâ?©Real?
- Fossilâ?©Park
- Frankâ?©Blunt
- Freeâ?©atâ?©Last
- Funnyâ?©Bunny
- Furryâ?©Freaksâ?©starringâ?©Elfâ?©and
- Motorbellyâ?©
- Gangbusters
- Ghoulâ?©School
- Girl
- Goingâ?©Nowhere
- Goingâ?©up?
- Goodâ?©Life,â?©The
- Gutterâ?©Skipping
- Harambeeâ?©Hills
- Hasâ?Beenâ?©Hollow
- Haystackâ?©Rock
- Hemlockâ?©Heights
- Hiâ?©There!
- Highâ?©Noon
- Historyâ?©Bluffs
- Hogwashed
- Holidaze
- Hoodooâ?©theâ?©Unwiseâ?©Owl
- Hoosierville
- Horrorâ?©Prep
- Horseâ?©Feathers
- Hotelâ?©Dreary
- Hoxwinderâ?©Hall
- ICECUBESâ?©theâ?©comicâ?©strip. (by Leroy Brown)
- Idiotboyâ?©
- Igments
- Imp
- Inâ?©Theâ?©Sandbox
- Inâ?©Theâ?©Weeds
- Inquiringâ?©Minds,â?©The
- Jeremyâ?©Andâ?©Tim
- Joeâ?©6â?Pack
- Justâ?©Marriedâ?©
- Justus
- Kangarooâ?©Court
- Kickin’â?©theâ?©Habitrail
- Kirbyâ?©theâ?©Clown
- Kitchenâ?©Sink,â?©The
- Kittyâ?©Grandma
- Lab,â?©The
- Lakeâ?©Nowhere
- Landfill
- Latchkey
- Lifeâ?©Inâ?©Strangeville
- Lifeâ?©ofâ?©Cats,â?©The
- Lifeâ?©Ofâ?©Lou (by Bill Bettwy)
- Lighterâ?©Sideâ?©ofâ?©Death,â?©The
- Lilâ?©Wit
- Limbo
- Linnyâ?©andâ?©Pavo
- Livingâ?©Withâ?©Chaos
- Looseâ?©Screw
- Lostâ?©inâ?©Transition
- Loveâ?©Sickâ?©â?â?©Theâ?©Comicâ?©Strip
- Lunaville
- Magnusâ?©Magifix
- Maisâ?©Forte
- Meagan
- Meaningâ?©Ofâ?©Clive,â?©The
- Meanwhile…
- Misdirected
- Momâ?©onâ?©theâ?©Edge
- Mothâ?©andâ?©Ethan
- Mr.â?©Bob
- Mr.â?©Tutor
- Mulberry
- Myâ?©Friendâ?©Grandpa
- mycartoons
- Newsâ?©ofâ?©theâ?©WIld
- Nextâ?©Doorâ?©Neighbors
- Nightâ?©ShifNoâ?©Rodeoâ?©
- Noah’sâ?©Island
- Noodleâ?©Bytes
- Northâ?©Forty
- Nutzâ?©n’â?©Doltz
- O’Malleyâ?©Girls,â?©The
- Oddson
- Offâ?©Courseâ?©
- Onâ?©theâ?©Loose
- Ordinaryâ?©Bill
- Otherâ?©Kids,â?©The
- Outâ?©ofâ?©theâ?©Groove
- Outâ?©toâ?©Lunch
- Pandora’sâ?©Box
- Peggyâ?©
- Pepâ?©Squad
- Phases
- Photocartoonist,â?©The
- Picpakâ?©Dog
- Plusâ?©Tenâ?©Coolnessâ?©Points
- PMâ?©Donutâ?©
- Poets
- Politicalâ?©Circus
- Popel
- Potionsâ?©andâ?©Tricks (by Charles Brubaker)
- Preâ?Lifeâ?©Crisis
- Puffinâ?©theâ?©Penguin
- Quotarium
- Rackafracka
- Risible
- Rivertalkin’
- Roofus
- Rufus
- Sardonicâ?©Salad
- Schoolâ?©Daze
- Scribbles & Sketchâ?©
- Secretâ?©Agents
- Sethâ?©andâ?©Buddy (by Leslie Taylor)
- Shepherd’sâ?©Graceâ?©
- Shooâ?©Flyâ?©Pie
- Sickâ?©Children
- Skippingâ?©Out
- Slingshot
- Slipstackâ?©
- Slivers
- Soggy
- Spaceâ?©Princess
- Spaceâ?©Stationâ?©Alpha
- Stiwâ?©Kit
- Stoneâ?©Road
- StoreMart
- Streetâ?©Cat
- Stringsâ?©Attached
- Stuffed
- Suburbanâ?©Sarah
- Sugarâ?©andâ?©Snails
- Texasâ?©Roadâ?©Stew
- Thatâ?©Deafâ?©Guy
- Thatâ?©Monkeyâ?©Tune (by Mike Kandalaft)
- Then & NOW
- Thisâ?©Placeâ?©Isâ?©Aâ?©Zoo
- Thunder & Lightning
- Tomâ?©theâ?©Cameraman
- Tortillaâ?©Flat
- Tortoise & theâ?©Hare
- Treatyâ?©Oak
- Turnipâ?©Greens
- Unfinishedâ?©Melody
- Usherâ?©Klutz:â?©Theâ?©Reelâ?©Adventure
- Valentineâ?©Lane
- Viewâ?©fromâ?©theâ?©Couch
- Walkingâ?©Upright (Jesse Cline)
- Wallflowerâ?©
- WEâ?©DID
- Wendell & G
- Werewolfâ?©andâ?©Firefly
- Whatâ?©Isâ?©Cool?
- Wick
- Workâ?©Isâ?©Ridiculous
- X’sâ?©&â?©O’s
- XYZs
- Yip
- Youâ?©Yiddle
- Zeros,â?©Theâ?©
I.D. Bergren
Lucas Turnbloom
Stephen Beals
Scott Metzger
Jesse Cline
Brian Martin
Wiley Miller
Brian Powers
Lucas Turnbloom
Brian Powers
Alan Gardner (admin)
Jim Thomas
Brian Powers
Brian Powers
Tony Piro
Tony Piro
Jim Brenneman
Bridgett Spicer
Graham Nolan
Charles Brubaker
Mark Magee
Shane Davis
Jim Lavery
Mike Cope
Chad Isely
Rich Diesslin
Charles Brubaker
Mike Witmer
Jason Nocera
Jason Nocera
Brian Powers
Frank Mariani
Brian Powers
Frank Mariani
Frank Mariani
Mike Beckom
Frank Mariani
Les Taylor
Brian Martin
Frank Mariani
Les Taylor
Brian Powers
Brian Dunaway
Ben Lewis
s.m. chavez
Les Taylor
Brian Martin
Jim Thomas
Les Taylor
Andy Draper
Sam Wallace
Drew Price
Mike Cope
Brian Martin
Adrean Clark
Adrean Clark
Ioannis Milionis
Peter Paltridge
Scott DaRos
Steven Ingram
Daniel Boris
Daniel Boris
John Steventon
Ioannis Milionis
Scott DaRos
Daniel Boris
Rose B.
Jeremy Burt
Jodie Sarah Masiwchuk
Brennan Bova
Leroy Brown
Daniel Boris
Brian Martin
Daniel Boris
Chad Isely
Brian Martin
Rene Bakewell
Tricia C.
Brian Martin
Daniel Boris
Ioannis Milionis
Scott DaRos
Philip Farmer
Daniel Boris
Brian Martin
Jeff Cernauske
Daniel Boris
frank white