Comic strips Editorial cartooning Interviews Museums web comics

News Briefs for February 11, 2008

John Cole sent me a link an online reprint of King Feature’s 1949 catalogue of features. The catalogue contains the 53 cartoonist who were being syndicated right after WWII. Very interesting to see the dominate cartooning styles of that era.

A 1952 original ‘Peanuts’ Comic recently was auctioned for $31,640

Over in Kentucky, a lawmaker has introduced a bill to label journalists (including editorial cartoonists) as lobbyists and thus bar them from the statehouse while they’re in session. According to E&P, the bill sponsor is upset at the news coverage (and cartoons) about him over the last year. This should help his image, I’m sure.

Hat tip to Mike Lynch for finding two YouTube videos of interest. Check out animated editorial cartooning pioneer Mike Fiore as he gives a behind the scenes look at creating a cartoon lampooning Hillary’s famous crying moment during the New Hampshire primary. Check out a 10 minute video of an interview with Gus Arriola dated 8 years ago. Gus passed way earlier this month.

Alison Bechdel, creator of Dykes To Watch Out For, will be speaking at the University of Minnesota on March 6th.

Web cartoonists Brad Guigar (“Greystone Inn” and “Evil Inc.”), Dave Kellett (“Sheldon”), Kristofer Straub (“Checkerboard Nightmare” and “Starslip Crisis”) and Scott Kurtz (“PvP”) are publishing a book entitled “How To Make Webcomics”. It’s already available on Amazon.

Charles Brooks spent 38 years doing editorial cartoons with The Birmingham News and is the editor of the original Best of editorial cartooning collections. He’s donated 20 or so of his cartoons to Three Notch Museum in Andalusia Alabama.

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Comments 3

  1. “A 1952 original â??Peanutsâ?? Comic recently was auctioned for $31,640”


  2. Label editorial cartoonists lobbyists so that they can be barred. Ha! LOL

  3. That King Features brochure was great, especially as I am in the process of preparing cartoons for their 2008 brochure. Thankfully (deadlines, deadlines…), it doesn’t require as much artwork these days! Also good to see they had women cartoonists on the books even then.

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