Frank Cho, creator of Liberty Meadows, has hinted that he is in negotiations to create an animated television show based on Liberty Meadows but aimed at an adult audience with a PG-13 or R rating. No other details were mentioned, “because I don’t want to jinx it,” said Frank.
In that same story, Frank talks about his art, the newspaper market for cartoons, web comics, and licensing.
While artists vary in their opinions on carrying over their creations into other media or merchandising, Cho isn’t opposed to the idea with Liberty Meadows but also recognizes the need not to overdo it.
“My artistic philosophy is not as strict as others,” Cho says. “I’m a capitalistic whore. But within limits.”
That means fans hoping for official merchandise like home pregnancy tests may be disappointed, “unless there’s a real demand,” jokes Cho.
Don’t you mean TV-14 or MA? I don’t think Jack Valenti would be pleased with the misassignment. lol
Given Cho’s, um, ‘talent’ with the female form it’s surprising this hasn’t happened sooner.
WTH!?! Are we advertising porn here now?
Porn link removed.