Cartoon of the Year to David Rowe for Nuts
Open Category winner Jason Chatfield for Coronavirus Diary 1- 3
Merit Award to Jed Dunstan for Kangaroo looking for a date
Sports Category winner is Harry Bruce for Faster, higher, stronger
with Merit Award to Lindsay Foyle for Excitement
Comic Strip Category winner is Ian Jones for Toga Party
with the Merit Award going to Mark Lynch for Good memory.
Political Category winner is David Rowe for Long way to the top[sic]
Merit Award to Lindsay Foyle for Snailvaccine.
Caricature Category winner is David Rowe for Biden
Merit Award goes to Steve Panozzo for Kerry
Special Category winner goes to Andrew Fyfe for Covid Sense
Merit Award to Phil Day for In quarantine.
The National Cartoon Gallery’s prestigious Rotary Cartoon Awards competition, now in its 33rd year, has been won by David Rowe.
David Rowe, who produces daily cartoons for the Financial Review, won three major awards in the exhibition.
David has been entering this competition since 1995 and has won the top award on twelve occasions – more than any other Australian cartoonist.
As well as winning Cartoon of the Year, he also won awards in both the Political and Caricature Categories.
News Of The Area reports on the awards presentation and the People’s Choice awards.
This year the winner for the Open Category was Jason Chatfield for his work ‘Corona Virus 1 – 3’.
Jason is the current Ginger Meggs artist and resides in New York.
He sent a video of acceptance and said, “This is the first time I have won and am devastated I had to cancel my trip.
“I drew this piece while I thought I was dying.”