Comic strips

Zits to address texting while driving

Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman are using their popular Zits comic to remind teens about the dangers of texting while driving.

Zits creators Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman say the theme was inspired by their experiences as parents and distracted drivers.
“It seemed very natural for Jeremy to get caught doing something like texting. This whole generation has been programmed to respond to beeps and warnings and ringtones, and cellphones are the biggest offender. It’s Pavlovian,” says Scott, 55, who has two daughters, ages 17 and 9. Borgman, 57, also knows about young people and driving: He has raised five teens.

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Comments 1

  1. I was about to comment on this thread via my iPhone but I am on the highway and just went in the ditch and killed a family of geese.

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