Happy 90th Bill Owens – King of Trivia

Famed radio and tv announcer Bill Owens was born February 1, 1931.


Wikipedia profiles Bill and his career with two sentences devoted to our area of trivia:

Bill also wrote the popular syndicated panel “Return With Us To…” with drawing by comic strip artist Don Sherwood. This nostalgic remembrance of the past enjoyed a long run in Grit, a national weekly newspaper.


Bill combined his background in broadcasting and his knowledge of the trivial
when he partnered with cartoonist Don Sherwood.


That Grit run mentioned in the Wikipedia article is where I remember seeing it,
though it was syndicated to newspapers around the nation from 1978 to 1986.

So Happy Birthday to Bill and welcome to the Senior Strippers club!



One thought on “Happy 90th Bill Owens – King of Trivia

  1. The Grit! We sold it for what? Twenty-five cents? And kept a dime? Paid my way to scout camp one summer.

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