Prickly City has Mohammad cartoon undertones

Scott Stantis’ feature “Prickly City” had strong Mohammad controversy undertones in yesterday’s strip. The strip featured one of its characters writing to the newspaper demanding that a cartoon be removed from the paper because it was offensive. The cartoon in question is “Marmaduke.”

Update: In this posting’s comments Chippy Me Word points out that today’s Prickly City is a continued storyline from yesterday and that the topic when looking at the whole of the series so far has less to do with the Mohammad controversy as much as it is a dig against the staleness of some comic features on the comic page. I wonder how editors at newspaper react to Scott’s use of his strip to complain about them. Last December, he used Prickly city to rail against the newspaper industry for firing their editorial cartoonists.

2 thoughts on “Prickly City has Mohammad cartoon undertones

  1. I’m no fan of this strip but the this one was very funny. And I think today’s 2/18 was even better.

  2. I’m no fan of this strip but the this one was very funny. And I think today’s 2/18 was even better.

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